1. In accordance with international law, Coin24.io (hereinafter referred to as the Service) adheres to a number of rules and implements a number of procedures aimed at preventing the use of the Service for the purpose of conducting money laundering operations, that is, actions aimed at recovering money or other securities of illegal origin, presenting their acquisition and possession as perfectly legal and normal, as well as carrying out other transactions that are illegal.
2. To prevent transactions of an illegal nature, the Service establishes certain requirements for all Orders created by the User:
- The sender and recipient of the Order Payment must be the same person. Using the services of the Service, transfers in favor of third parties are strictly prohibited.
- All contact information entered by the User in the Order, as well as other personal data transmitted by the User to the Service, must be up-to-date and completely reliable.
- It is strictly prohibited for the User to create Orders using anonymous proxy servers or any other anonymous Internet connections.
3. To prevent transactions of an illegal nature, the Service:
- uses an internal system for automatic analysis of transactions and behavior of the User (fraud prevention system), which stops all suspicious transactions of the User;
- establishes restrictions on the User’s operations depending on the level of identification of the User and the country of origin;
- adheres to the “Know Your Customer” policy (KYC – “Know Your Customer”);
4. The Service reserves the right to freeze the User’s account and all current User Orders until copies of documents confirming the User’s identity, as well as the source of origin of the Digital assets and other information necessary to verify the operation are received, in the following cases:
- upon detection of a violation of any of the requirements presented in paragraph 2 of this Agreement;
- if the User Order is stopped by the fraud prevention system;
- in the event that the amount of transactions for the Orders created by the User over the past 30 days exceeded the amount equivalent to 10,000 USD;
- if the administration of the Service has reasonable suspicions that the user is trying to use the services of the Service for money laundering or for the purpose of carrying out any other illegal operations.
In turn, the User undertakes to provide the requested document within 7 working days from the receipt of a request for its provision, or a request to cancel the order.
- If the User refuses to provide the requested documents, the Service reserves the right to refuse further service to the User and take the actions described in clause 3.4 of the User Agreement.
5. The Service reserves the right to refuse the User further service and take the actions described in clause 3.4 of the User Agreement, after which it transfers all the User’s data available to the Service, as well as all available information about the User’s operations to law enforcement agencies in the following cases:
- detection of operations aimed at money laundering, financing of terrorist organizations, fraud of any kind, as well as operations aimed at carrying out any other illegal operations;
- if the Service has reasonable suspicions that the document provided by the User to identify the User is fake or invalid;
- receiving from authorized bodies information about the incompetence of the User’s possession of electronic units or financial means and / or other information that makes it impossible for the Service to provide services to the User;
- identification of any actions or attempts by the User to take actions aimed at providing any negative impact on the software and hardware complex of the Service;
- detection of any actions or attempts by the User to commit actions aimed at stealing databases and other tangible and intangible property of the Service;
- identification of any actions or attempts to commit actions by the User that can cause any physical, material and non-material harm to the Service.
6. The Service reserves the right to check personal and any other information received from the User by all available means.